Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Timeliness of AWAF

I stood there blinking, standing at the top of the driveway by my mailbox, staring at the cover of the magazine. The image was so similar to our new logo for the Ancient Wisdom - Anglican Futures conference that I could not decide whether I was impressed or distressed. Compare:

I decided that I was excited. Leadership is a magazine published by Christianity Today, and their Winter 2009 edition is dedicated entirely to "rediscovered roots: timeless practices that keep us grounded and bring new life." In other words, Christian leaders from all traditions are re-discovering the importance of "living the Great Tradition." I was holding in my hands further evidence of the timeliness and the need for the emerging conversation that is AWAF! Read a little bit of what the editor of Leadership writes in his introductory article, "Rooted and Renewed":
As the Leadership editorial team began looking around, we began seeing evidence of rediscovered roots in many places, from postmoderns in the U.K. who take traditional liturgies and do a bit of improvising, to a Plymouth Brethren assembly in Texas that rediscovered creeds, to a Vineyard congregation in the U.S. that's following the Christian calendar.

Others are reintroducing public statements of confession and absolution. Others are pronouncing a blessing on the congregation at the conclusion of worship. Still others are making use of lectio divina and other deeply rooted practices of spiritual formation. (Shelley, 5)
Right here we see Christianity Today exploring in print what we will explore in a live conversation June 4-6, 2009 -- worship, community and mission in the Great Tradition.

Read this most recent edition of Leadership. It's worth it.

Come to AWAF in June. It will be worth it.

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